Sunday, March 12, 2017

Target Audience

I know I only briefly touched on this subject, but I have to really take it seriously because of how important it is. The target audience is essentially the beginning on how to create the perfect magazine for the right people. Without a clear target audience, countless mistakes and errors can occur when writing, designing, and outlining one's magazine. It is very rare, or nearly impossible, to create a magazine that can appeal to absolutely everyone- but that's okay! People's different interests, perspectives, and preferences are what makes the world of journalism so fun and interesting. For my magazine, I have pondered quite a bit about what my target audience really is. 

When one thinks about a fashion magazine, it is very easy to generalize the target audience as simply "female." It is much more complex than that, however. No fashion magazine is the same. Take a look at Cosmopolitan, Nylon, and Vogue. Although all three of them are considered fashion magazines, they are all aimed at different groups of people. My magazine is the pinnacle of the expression and celebration of fashion. I want to target to a group of people that take the craft, history, and art fashion incredibly seriously. My target audience would primarily have a career in fashion, or at least have fashion play a dominant role in their daily lives. So, starting the gender, I don't really know where draw draw the line. I guess my magazine would target mainly to females, just based on statistics. However, I don't want my magazine to have "female" written all over it. I want men who appreciate fashion to find interest in my magazine as well. So in terms of gender, I guess it's just fair game. If you like it then you like it, regardless of gender. In terms of age, it is most likely young adults and older. My magazine will feature articulate and mature information that most people that are younger than a young adult will most likely not understand. Also, some teenagers may find my magazine content boring or uninteresting due to the detail and seriousness. 

Okay, so we have gender and age down. All that's really left is socio-economic status. This one is probably the easiest for me. My magazine is all about featuring high end, high quality designer fashion, which is never going to be cheap. The fashion featured in my magazine is not for the average nine-to-five employee who lives a suburban life in Connecticut. To be frank, my magazine is more for the stuffy, upper east side fashion designer who goes to cocktail parties and art galleries on her free time. The lifestyle of the target audience of my magazine is not an affordable one. So my magazine will aim for people who have a good amount of money to appreciate quality designer goods. People who are in high society and who live comfortably. 

All in all, my target audience is: Any gender, young adult and older, and high socio-economic status.

Till next time, xoxo

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